​​​​​ Ohio Farm Bureau Federation Agriculture for Good Government Political Action Committee 



What is AGGPAC?

  • AGGPAC is a bi-partisan committee of Farm Bureau leaders appointed by the OFBF President and is the legal entity to oversee and direct Farm Bureau’s engagement with farm-friendly candidates to help them win election or re-election to office.
  • AGGPAC is a Federal-State PAC affiliated with the Ohio Farm Bureau. This means it is the legal entity that can engage in the political process of supporting candidates running for office at the national and state levels.
  • AGGPAC typically provides support in races where a clear Friend of Farm Bureau (U.S. House/U.S. Senate) or Friend of Agriculture (State House, State Senate, and State Supreme Court) has been identified.
  • AGGPAC also supports a number of general bi-partisan political advocacy and grassroots activities such as the Farm Votes Matter election/political action website and the Buckeye Farm News Election Guide.

How does AGGPAC determine which candidates/elected officials to designate as a Friend of Farm Bureau or Friend of Agriculture?

  • The legislators voting record and relationship with Farm Bureau are the criteria used to determine “Friends” in races where an incumbent is running for re-election. Throughout the legislative session Public Policy staff will determine which votes will be scored as “Key Votes” based upon board determined priorities and then notify legislators prior to each vote that it will be scored as a Key Vote in our process for determining “Friends.”
  • County Farm Bureau boards complete an incumbent evaluation form near the end of each legislative session to provide input on the quality of the local Farm Bureau relationship with each legislator.
  • During the summer preceding a major General Election, an interview or “open seat screening” is conducted by a group of county Farm Bureau leaders from within the legislative districts where no incumbent is running for re-election. In these open seat races AGGPAC’s decision on who to name as a friend of Farm Bureau or Friend of Agriculture is generally based on the local “screening” committee’s recommendation.

Learn About Ways to Support Farm Friendly Candidates

Farm Bureau members are encouraged to get involved in the 2024 elections by volunteering for and learning about candidates both at the local and state levels. Visit the candidates’ campaign websites and look them up on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to follow them from now through the election.

Below are just a few ideas for county Farm Bureaus and individual county Farm Bureau leaders to consider for ways to get involved in the 2024 elections – please contact your county Organization Director or a member of the public policy team if you have any questions or would like to discuss these activities in greater detail.

County Farm Bureaus:

  • Complete informal incumbent review evaluation form during county Farm Bureau board meetings and submit to state office and participate in Open Seat Screenings in legislative districts where an incumbent is not running for re-election
  • Ask county Farm Bureau leaders to host candidates for an hour or two during the county fair – use this as an opportunity to walk the candidate around the barns and introduce him/her to the agricultural community, talk about issues important to your county and Ohio agriculture as well as show off the 4-H/FFA youth programs
  • Host a Meet the Candidate’s Reception in conjunction with your County Farm Bureau Annual Meeting
  • Work with local Chambers of Commerce, League of Women Voters, Rotary/Kiwanis Clubs, and/or other organizations to host a Candidate Forum, be sure to publicize this event well and build a large attendance
  • Conduct a Voter Registration Drive within your county Farm Bureau membership and your community

You as an Individual (not on “Farm Bureau time”):

  • Volunteer to serve as a poll worker on Election Day, visit https://www.ohiosos.gov/elections/poll-workers/ to learn more and sign up!
  • Research your local and statewide candidates – get to know their background, policy positions, and philosophies on issues. Visit their campaign website, attend events where they speak, and read about them in the newspaper, make an educated choice about who to support
  • Winning an election often costs a great deal of money so consider donating personal funds to candidates, Ohio Farm Bureau’s Agriculture for Good Government Political Action Committee and/or your local political party
  • Volunteer for candidates and/or your local political party
  • Make phone calls to candidate’s supporters or potential supporters
  • Go door-to-door for a candidate to distribute literature and meet voters
  • Walk in parades with candidates or attend local events where they are speaking or work a shift at campaign headquarters
  • Helping to distribute yard signs and pick them up after the election
  • Create or join a Farmer Support Committee to advise a candidate on agricultural issues and to reach out to other farmers in the county for support
  • Host a home event or farm tour for a candidate or issue that you support – invite your friends, family, and neighbors to come get to know the candidate or learn more about an issue

Create an Account or Log In now to Donate to AGGPAC.


Paid for by Ohio Farm Bureau Federation Agriculture for Good Government Political Action Committee (OFBF-AGGPAC) Adam Sharp, Treasurer 280 North High Street Columbus, OH 43215  | © 2017, All Rights Reserved